Friday, May 22, 2015

Conan O?Brien Tells Audience: Switch The Channel and Watch David Letterman!

Always giving credit where it?s due, Conan O?Brien gave a loving speech about the legacy of David Letterman during his show last night (May 20).

The crimson-haired comedian explained, ?Everybody this past week has been struggling to explain what this man has meant, what his leaving television means to us personally, but let?s face it ? there simply are no words that can encapsulate the sheer magnitude of what Dave has achieved these past 33 years. It cannot be done.?

Conan continued, ?I?d like to point out, tonight, that if you have ever liked any silly or stupid thing I?ve done on television over 20 years, you must know that it probably never, never would have happened if it weren?t for Dave. At one of the lowest points of my life, when I was a 30 year old national punch line, Dave, for reasons I still don?t really understand ? completely rescued me. I truly believe that simple act of kindness turned everything around and made all the difference. So ladies and gentlemen here?s the plan for tonight. I have no illusions that anyone is watching me this evening, but if there happen to be a few of you out there, probably stoners, I?m going to let you know the exact moment when Dave?s show is starting and I?d like you to switch over. I may be talking to seven viewers at that time, but do it? I promise you we will not see a man of his talents and comedic integrity again in our lifetime, and you do not want to miss out. Have a great show, Dave, and from the bottom of my heart, thank you.?


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