Tuesday, February 3, 2015

BUSTED: NFL Analyst Warren Sapp ARRESTED For Allegedly Soliciting A Prostitute & Assault Allegations + NFL Network Reportedly FIRES Him!

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In foolish activities news….Former NFL star Warren Sapp has been busted for allegedly soliciting a prostitute and is being accused of assault out in Arizona during the Super Bowl festivities. And it looks like THIS TIME it cost him his job as an analyst on the NFL Network. Deets inside....

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Looks like someone had a little too much post-Super Bowl "fun" last night that carried into the early morning hours. And this isn't the first time he has found himself in this type of situation. We'll get to that in a minute.

NFL analyst and Hall of Famer Warren Sapp was arrested in Phoenix this morning on suspicion of soliciting prostitution AND assault allegations. Sighs….

TMZ reports the 42-year-old allegedly hired two escorts to join him at his hotel room after covering Super Bowl XLIX the entire weekend. It's the police were initially called for a noise disturbance, but once cops got on the scene, a woman claimed she had been assaulted. Apparently, an argument broke out about money and that’s when things got physical.

A source claims Warren "admitted involvement in the act of prostitution", but “denied assaulting the females”.

Both women were said to have had minor injuries, consistent with assault, so Warren was taken into custody. Both of the women also received citations for engaging in prostitution.

Then it gets worse….

The NFL Network has now reportedly FIRED Warren as an analyst for the network. Company spokesman Alex Riethmiller confirmed to the NY Daily News,

"Warren Sapp’s contract has been terminated and he no longer works for NFL Network.”

And get this…he has been arrested on similar assault charges before. Just last year, it's reported he was arrested on a domestic battery charge in Maimi.

Back in 2010, he was also brought up on domestic violence charges in Miami. In fact, it was almost in the EXACT same situation he's in now! He was accused of roughing up a chick in his hotel room during the Super Bowl festivities. When will they learn? Those charges were eventually dropped, but this new incident has already cost him his job.


In another case....

Recently, Greg Anthony, former athlete turned CBS and Turner sports broadcaster, found himself in a similar situation. He was arrested for soliciting a prostitute last month and CBS ended up suspending him indefinitely. Today, he plead not guilty and will return to court Feb. 11th. Sighs....



Photos: Getty

Source: http://theybf.com/2015/02/02/busted-nfl-analyst-warren-sapp-arrested-for-allegedly-soliciting-a-prostitute-assault

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