Thursday, February 26, 2015

REPORT: Bobbi Kristina Slowly Taken Out Of Coma, Remains On Life Support

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It appears Bobbi Kristina is making a little progress. Doctors are slowly weaning her off the medication that has placed her in a medically induced coma since she was rushed to the hospital last month. Get the latest inside….

There may be some positive news regarding Bobbi Kristina’s condition.

New reports allege the 21-year-old daughter of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown is being weaned out of the medically induced coma she was placed in after she was found submerged under water in a bathtub inside of her home on Jan. 31st.

Family sources tell PEOPLE, doctors have started to wean Bobbi Kristina off the medication that has kept her in a medically induced coma. The family source says, “

"We're all hoping and praying that this will give us some answers. We're hoping for a significant change soon, but we know that it may not change anything."

Although this is an improvement, her condition is still considered “severe.” She’s still on life support and that includes her being hooked up to a ventilator machine to assist with her breathing and a feeding tube.

Her supposed “husband” (who is not her real husband), Nick Gordon, recently went on a Twitter rant about Bobby Brown not letting him see Bobbi Kris while she's in the hospital. He blasted Bobbi K’s father for keeping him away and even shared screenshots of alleged text messages he fired off to Bobby. In the texts, Nick tells Bobby to GROW UP and once his daughter realizes what he is doing, she will HATE him.

Since his rant against Bobby, Nick is still active on Twitter, unleashing his frustrations and longing to see the woman he loves. He tweets:





As Nick continues to fire off tweets, Bobbi Kris’ family is doing their best to ignore his antics. The family source said,

“He can say whatever he wants to say. We are leaving the investigation in the hands of the authorities," the family member continues. "Our focus has always been Bobbi Kristina's health and recovery. That's all that matters to us right now."

As for Bobbi Kristina's aunt, Tina Brown (Bobby's sister), who was rushed to Emory University Hospital (where Bobbi Kris is) for stroke-like symptoms on Sunday, she's currently undergoing surgery to clear vascular blockages. You'll recall, she was rushed to the hospital after she felt numbness on her right side. Doctors expect her to remain hospitalized for at least another week depending on the success of the surgery.


Photo: Bobbi Kristina's IG


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