Thursday, October 30, 2014

Lena Dunham Encourages Young Women To Vote!

In addition to promoting her new ?Not That Kind Of Girl? book, Lena Dunham is also leading the charge to get more young ladies involved in the political process.

The ?Girls? star is featured in a new video for the ?Women are Watching? campaign, premiering exclusively on

Lena explained, ?We hear a lot about how apathetic our millennial youth are, but that just hasn't been my experience. My friends?as well as the young women I met on my book tour, who are friends now too?have so much joy, anger, hunger for change?. I want us to show up at the polls in record numbers, to show that we won?t stand for attacks on women and their rights, that we recognize our power to shape the future.?

And she?s glad to have Glamour on board- ?I love how Glamour is clear and bold about their politics. The Glamour Women of the Year Awards have been extremely inspiring for me a few years in a row. I love how they are constantly redefining what a women's magazine can be.?


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