Monday, July 28, 2014

Nicki Minaj Pops Off At "Anaconda" Cover Critics, Compares Her Booty Shot To 'Sports Illustrated' Models

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So after Nicki Minaj released this Smooth magazine-inspired cover for her upcoming single "Anaconda" yesterday, folks have been letting her have it.  Many believe that since she's already attained a certain platform by doing gimmicks like this, and since she's constantly complaining about not being respected or taken seriously, that she shouldn't have gone this route at this point in her career.


Now Nicki's clapping back with an interesting comparison....

Last night, Nicki Minaj took to her Instagram page to clap back at the critics of her new "Anaconda" cover.  She compared her booty-ful picture to those of Sports Illustrated models.  She posted pics of white models posing in their bikinis and showing off their backsides in a certain manner.

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She seems to allude to her shot only being unacceptable because she's a woman of color with much more junk in the trunk (whether it was injected or not).

The difference that we see here, though, is that those women are bikinis for a swimsuit issue of a men's magazine.  It fits.  They are not doing this pose and asking to be respected as rappers or something that has nothing to do with the magazine.  They are doing their jobs as swimsuit models.  And doing so with a certain level of artistic, albeit sexy, tact.  

There are also a few black models for this very magazine who do the same types of poses as the models she posted, and they are also not criticized.  But she did not include them. 

So, speak on it.  Does Nicki have a point?  Or is she comparing apples to oranges?



Photos: Nicki Minaj's IG


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