Friday, August 1, 2014

Orlando Bloom Flirts With Erica Packer on the Sandy Spanish Beach

He?s never one to let things get him down, and Orlando Bloom was in good spirits as he frolicked on the beach with Erica Packer in Formentera, Spain on Thursday (July 31).

The ?Pirates of the Caribbean? hunk looked to be having a blast with his lady friend, whose ex-husband James Packer was rumored to be romancing Orly?s former wife Miranda Kerr back in 2013.

Orlando has been getting plenty of attention during his Spanish getaway, having confronted Justin Bieber at Cipriani restaurant in Ibiza earlier in the week.

In the latest development in the story, it seems Bloom and Bieber had not one, but two dust-ups during their evening out.

Model Anastasia Skolkova told the Daily Mirror, ?Bieber said something to Leonardo DiCaprio - I don't know exactly what, because it was seven or eight meters away. Leo brushed his hands at him, like, I don't care what you say. Yeah, he flicked him away.?

After an initial incident between Justin and Orlando, a frustrated Bieber came back for more. ?When everyone thought everything was quiet, they tried to fight again. Both tried to throw punches. When Orlando punched Bieber, everyone started clapping. Lindsay [Lohan] was laughing. It was amazing. The whole table he and DiCaprio were on were clapping. Afterwards, I don't know if people were congratulating Orlando or trying to calm him down.?

?When security saw that when they got separated, Bieber and Orlando tried to punch each other again, security were like, 'Bieber came, Bieber provoked this fight,? so they took his hands behind his back and took him away from the restaurant... There were actually two moments when it turned violent, it wasn't just the one punch thrown.?


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