Monday, March 30, 2015

Porsha Williams COVERS UPSCALE?s April 2015 Issue + Paula Patton Talks Growth After Robin Thicke Split & Being A Working Mom

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Porsha Williams is taking her personality to the pages of Upscale Magazine as the covergirl for their April 2015 issue. Also, Paula Patton is opening up about life after divorcing Robin Thicke and what life is like being a working mother. More inside…

Dish Nation host and “Real Housewives of Atlanta” star Porsha Williams got pretty for UPSCALE magazine’s April 2015 issue, giving off a little Southern Belle tease. She took to Instagram to express her excitement saying, "Avail Now my New Cover & 8 page Layout for @UpScaleMagazine Thank you for making me the April 2015 #CoverGirl! #Blessed #DishNation #Rhoa"

Well congrats to her. We'll bring you the interview once it becomes available.


On television....

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YBF starlet Paula Patton is a single lady now (her divorce finalizes on April 14th) and she’s back to work. She now has a new normal and, although tough at times, she seems ready to accept the change and continue to push forward.

While her ex-husband has moved on to a new relationship, the 39-year-old actress is focused on her acting career.  She's gearing up for the release of a new fantasy-action film Warcraft (2016) and she has landed a lead role in the upcoming series “Runner.” Added to her already full plate, she has an upcoming documentary in the works, Women Hyphenated.

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The fab mom stopped by “The Meredith Vieira Show” where she opened up about accepting her new life and some of the tough things her 4-year-old son Julian has communicated since she has returned to the Hollywood scene. She dished to the daytime co-host that it has taken her some time to get use to her new world, but she’s learning to embrace it. Paula also admits to feeling a little “mommy’s guilt” for having to leave her baby boy for a gig, an emotion most moms feel when they get back to working on their careers.


Below are the highlights:

Meredith: We are back with Paula Patton and you went through a very public breakup with Robin Thicke and everybody wants to know how you're doing?

Paula: You know I’m doing really well. It’s been a long year and a lot of challenges but I’ve grown quite a bit and just getting used to change.

Meredith: That’s the hardest thing of all just accepting the new reality.

Paula: Absolutely it is and embrace it and just be thankful for everything I do have. I live in a place of gratitude and growing up in many ways I think, I moved from my parents hosue to moving in with Robin, and now I’m like becoming an adult at this old age. I’m really like a real woman now.

Meredith: Kids sometimes say things that really get to you and your son said something to you recently that I think a lot of working moms have had said to them and it’s a tough one. What did he say to you?

Paula: It is true. Really, I took a lot of time off to be with him and then I had to pack for a trip because I had to go to work and he said, 'Mommy I don’t want you to go to work.’ It’s the challenge of being a working mother and it’s the first time he ever said that to me because I did work when he was a baby but now he is more aware of everything, so what are you going to do? It’s sort of the trials and tribulations of being a woman. Right?

Meredith: After you said that and then walked away.

Paula: I cried. I called my mom and I cried and she said, ‘Darling, I had to work. We all hear that.’

Peep the clips below:



Photos: UPSCALE/The Meredith Show


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