Sunday, December 28, 2014

CHRISTMAS IN BARBADOS: Rihanna Gets RED HOT Poolside Back Home On The Island

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Rihanna and her red hot bikini body are back in Barbados for the rest of the Holidays.  And she's serving up what we like, bad gal style.  Check her bikini pics inside...

After ringing in Christmas in NYC with friends (and likely her grandfather who lives in BK), Barbados Ambassador Rihanna hightailed it back home to see her mom, brothers Rorrey and Rajad, and more.

She and bestie Melissa made the pool their first stop and they kicked off the stream of selfies like usual.

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Rih caught up with her niece/cousin Majesty and had some chill time on the baby's new couch (as a gift from Auntie Melissa):

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Awww.  There's no place like home...


Photos: Rihanna's IG/Melissa's IG


Melissa McCarthy Christian Bale Vanessa Minnillo

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