Sunday, June 29, 2014

GIRL TIME: Willow Smith And Kylie Jenner Go THRIFTING In NYC, Pose For Pics In Soho

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Willow Smith was spotted in New York City with one of her besties Kylie Jenner.  Find out how the ladies spent Friday afternoon inside...

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Hollywood rich kids Willow Smith and Kylie Jenner were spotted on an impromptu photo shoot in SoHo on Friday afternoon. The chicks participated in their usual pasttime--posign for pics.  They stopped to pose in front of a dragon mural, while their bodyguard took their pics. W

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Though they've got likely got access to Black cards and millions, Willow and Kylie went shopping at Tokyo 7 Thrift shop in the East village. Even rich girls love the thrift shop for their hipster gear.

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After checking out, the ladies were seen walking down the street as a stream of photographers snapped their photo...while their friends were probably in History class facing a pop quiz. Must be nice....


Photos via Splash


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